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Latest CSR
Despite the challenges of Covid-19, Modair family has grown fast and huge in numbers in recent years in terms of number of manpower and projects and has shown resilience amidst the adversities. Last June 22, 2022, Modair took pride in celebrating its 30th founding anniversary.
After the effects of lockdowns and the aftermath of Covid-19 spread, the company and its people have remained strong in its goal to continue overcoming and shaping its business. In celebration of this milestone, the company held its Anniversary event and Team Building activities for employees last July 2-3, 2022 at the 8 Waves Hotel and Resort with the theme “Shape the Future, Overcome Adversities.” With all its employees fully-vaccinated and a number with booster shots already, the employees were able to bond in company-customized team building activities the whole morning of the first day, leisure time in the afternoon and Anniversary program/party in the evening.
Notwithstanding the safety and health protocols, the company arranged delicious feast for all employees, special program with games and surprises, and even hired a band to liven the occasion so the employees can enjoy jamming in singing and dancing.
As Modair celebrates its 30th fruitful years, the company would like to take this opportunity to extend gratitude for the stanch trust and patronage of our clients, the unwavering commitment of its employees and of course the solid support of its management who continuously develop means and ways for the betterment of the company. Thus, on this new decade, Modair would like to introduce our new tagline: NEXT EVOLUTION.
Modair believes that no one should stop dreaming for careers in the Engineering or construction industry because of financial problems. Hence, it has been the advocacy of Modair to provide financial aid to deserving students to pursue their education in Mechanical, Electrical or Civil Engineering and CAD Designing and fulfill their dreams without any hurdles in life.
Modair decided to step in to create awareness among potential students and ease their journey back in 2007. This continuous Modair education assistance provides access to those who didn’t have means for meeting the expenses of education in the aforementioned courses. Modair has assisted 100% tuition scholarship with free of cost accommodation and an additional monthly stipend to cover books, miscellaneous and other educational necessities until their graduation. From 2007 up to 2021, Modair has fulfilled the dreams of 14 Mechanical Engineers, 4 Electrical Engineers and 27 CAD Operators. To date, there are current student-beneficiaries enrolled in various schools who are being assisted and financed by the company until they reach their dream profession.
Changing the lives of these underprivileged but deserving students does not end in their graduation but Modair ensures that they are accommodated for their On-the-Job Trainings (OJT) and financially-assisted also for board reviews and examinations. To elevate the lives of the scholar’s families, if there are vacancies in the company, Modair employs these scholars and trains them technically and professionally in their chosen fields and exposes them into actual Engineering, design and construction works.
Modair in its quick response to assist victims of Taal Volcano eruption last January 12, 2020, had deployed its trucks and vans from its various projects to help in the evacuation of its workers, families and those who were affected by the eruption in the different municipalities in Batangas.
Likewise, the company immediately initiated the purchase of relief goods and necessities for the affected employees and their families whose houses were devastated and had no choice but to stay in the evacuation centers and facilities. Numerous iBoxes filled with mats, towels, medicines, canned goods, toiletries, face masks, canned goods and other necessities were delivered to the victims.
For continued Disaster Relief and Risk Prevention, Modair had ordered boxes of N95 face masks from Japan that were distributed to the different project sites in Batangas to protect its employees from the sulfuric ashes.
Making a difference in the lives of others gives a different kind of inspiration to Modair to work harder and persevere more. Being the reason for underprivileged children to smile is an added bonus.
Last January 6, 2018, Modair had chosen to spend Christmas with the orphans and children of the Asociacion De Damas De Filipinas (ADDDF) orphanage. The mid-morning program were filled with surprises as the kids showcased their talents through songs and dances. Modair management and employees also enjoyed various games with the children. The highlight of the event was when the youngest kids taught the Modair employees how to dance the Baby Shark, which was such a good timing because the company prepared baby shark hats for the kids and employees to wear for the event.
At lunch time, the managers and the employees dined with the children with foods and drinks specially prepared for the occasion.
Besides the special program and lunch party, the company donated individual sleeping clothes for the children according to their sizes which was arranged and prepared beforehand by the event organizers. Also, donations of food, cooking oil, condiments, sacks of rice, cash and other provisions for the orphanage were given to the ADDDF.
It was a wonderful Christmas celebration after all. Everybody left the venue smiling.
In the twenty-four long years since its founding, MODAIR MANILA CO. LTD., INC. has played a major role in the transformation of lives
The company supports the development and enhancement of skills in different aspects of the employees’ careers.
In lieu of the company’s commitment to Social Responsibility, the company has devoted to adopt a community school through a beautification project.